Kathleen Davis

Dr. Kathleen Davis

Interim Superintendent of Schools
Office: 315.792.2222


Carol Connelly
Secretary to the Superintendent
(315) 792-2222
(315) 792-2209 [fax]

Danielle Giovinazzo
Secretary to the Superintendent Superintendent's Hearings
(315) 792-2201
(315) 792-2200 [fax]

Mike Brigano
Superintendent Hearing Officer
(315) 792-2201
(315) 792-2209 [fax]


Dear Families and Students:

I would like to welcome everyone back after a summer that hopefully gave you time to recharge and enjoy families and friends.  It is with great honor that I begin my journey with your children this school year. My focus will be on students and learning with children as the center of all my decisions. I realize the district has been faced with transitions in leadership this past few years. It is important for you to know that I am fully committed to Utica City Schools this school year.

Our staff have spent many hours planning and attending training this summer. They have worked tirelessly to have our buildings ready to open for students. It is our goal to provide a quality education for our students so they can achieve their goals in life. To ensure this happens our staff continues to work collaboratively and look at the whole child as they plan forward.    

Our students’ education is important to all of us. Together we must collaborate and utilize our talents and resources in the community to reach every student. This past month I have been meeting with community members to understand the resources available in Utica so we can learn how to partner and enrich our programming.   

Communication is critical between the school and community. Each week you will be getting a message from me on Friday afternoons spotlighting our student achievements. In addition, you will see a quarterly newsletter from my office. The district will be implementing ParentSquare to increase communications between home and school.     

I look forward to working with all of you and I am excited to have your children back in our care during the school day.  It is important to me to make this year great for every student. Layers of support and interventions will continue to be in place to ensure every child has a soft landing as they enter school September 7, 2023.


Dr. Kathleen Davis

Interim Superintendent